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PSU Jazz Festival (Junior High)

The 8th grade and 7th grade jazz bands will be traveling to Pittsburg, Kansas to participate in the PSU jazz festival. Students will perform prepared pieces for a panel of judges and receive a contest rating.  The judges will work with the ensemble and provide feedback. To do our best it will be vital that we have all of our performers at the performance. In addition to performing, we will watch the NHS jazz groups as well as other jazz bands perform. They will need their black Neosho Junior High band t-shirt and black dress pants for the performance.  Students will also need to bring money ($7.00) for dinner at CC's Pizza in Joplin.  I will collect the Money along with their permission slip. 

Our schedule for the day is as follows:

12:15 p.m - Report to the Band Room at start of 5th hour

12:45 p.m.  – Load the bus at Junior High

1:00 p.m. – Depart for PSU

2:00 p.m. – Arrive at Pitt. St, check-in and unload the bus 

2:45  p.m. – Watch Jazz Bands Perform 

3:45 p.m. – Watch Neosho HS Stage Band perform (Bicknell PAC, Miller Theater)

4:45 p.m. – NJH Jazz Cats  Warm-up

5:15 p.m. – Neosho Jazz Cats performance (Bicknell PAC, Miller Theater)

Short clinic, get a group picture, pack instruments

6:15 p.m. – Depart for dinner

7:00 p.m. – Arrive at CC’s Pizza bring $7.00 for buffet (drink included)

 (there is a small arcade you can bring a little money to play games)

8:00 p.m. – Load the bus for Neosho Junior High

8:15 p.m. – Leave for Neosho Junior High

8:45 p.m. – Arrive in Neosho.  Unload the bus, and then head home.

What to Bring:

$7.00 for CC’s Pizza (Due with permission slip)

water bottle, instrument, music, valve oil, reeds, wear band t-shirt

Permission slip and $ 7.00 due by February 29th.


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