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Homecoming Week

Next week is a busy week. The school is involved in a lot of activities and the band is in the middle of a lot of it. In addition, we have our first competition of the season next week. Here is a run down of the important events next week:

Monday Sept. 25 - Pep Rally - In the morning we will still start rehearsal at 7:15am on the field like normal, and touch a couple spots of our show. We will then head inside and prepare for the Pep Rally which will go through the first 3 periods of the day. Students should wear their 2017 band shirt, khaki shorts, and tennis shoes for that performance. That evening we will have sectionals at 5:30pm with a clinician planned.

Thursday Sept 28 - Bonfire - Students will need to report to the band room at 6:30pm for a short warmup and tuning. We will then head to the south practice field to perform some pep tunes and the fight song for the bonfire. After we are done performing, students are free to leave. Attire for this event will be what we wore at MSSU band day. (The 2017 MSSU shirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes).

Friday Sept 29 - Homecoming - This is a packed day. At 2:15 the band room will be locked. Students need to be in front of the Neosho Public Library to warmup, tune, and lineup for the parade by 2:45. Attire for this event will be the 2017 band shirt, khaki shorts, and tennis shoes. After the parade, we will have pizza to feed students in the atrium at 5pm. They will then get into uniform and we will line up outside, warmup/tune, and then head over for the game. After the game is done, the band hosts the Homecoming dance until midnight (chaperoned by the directors and boosters). Students are encouraged to take part in that . Tickets are $5 in advance or $7 at the door.

Saturday Sept 30 - Carl Junction Marching Festival - Students report at 11:15 in the morning. Information on that entire event can be found here:

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