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PSU Jazz Fest

The PSU Jazz Festival is Friday, March 3rd. Our schedule for the day is as follows:


8:00 a.m. – Load the bus at Junior High

8:15 a.m. – Depart for PSU

9:30 a.m. – Arrive at Pitt. St, check-in and immediately unload the bus.

10:00 a.m. – Watch Carthage HS 2 perform

10:30 a.m. – Watch Webb City 5A perform

11:00 a.m. – Watch Parkview HS perform

11:45 a.m. – NJH Jazz Cats Warm_up.

12:15 p.m. – Neosho Jazz Cats performance (Memorial, Down Stairs)

Short clinic, get a group picture, pack instruments

12:50 p.m. – Depart for lunch

1:00 p.m. – Arrive at Holiday Lanes $14.00 to bowl (shoes included)

We will be eating at Holiday Lanes, bring $10.00 for lunch

(basket meals include side and drink)

3:00 p.m. – Leave for Neosho Junior High

4:15 p.m. – Arrive in Neosho. Unload the bus, and then head home.

Students will need to wear their black NJH band t-shirt, black dress pants, and dress shoes.

What to Bring:

$14.00 for Fast Lanes Bowling (Due with permission slip)

$10.00 for Lunch at Fast Lanes

You may pack a lunch

Socks for bowling shoes, water bottle, instrument, music, valve oil, reeds

Permission slip and $14.00 due by February 28th.


Eat 1st lunch, then gather instruments and music to depart

12:00 PM - Depart Neosho High School


1:15 PM - Arrive at PSU (Memorial Hall)

2:15 PM - Stage Band Warm Up

2:45 PM - Stage Band Performance (Downstairs)

3:05 PM - Clinic


4:15 PM - Studio Band Warm Up

4:45 PM - Studio Band Performance (Upstairs)

5:05 PM - Clinic

5:15 PM - Load up and depart for dinner

5:30-6:30 PM - Dinner at the mall

7:00 PM - Return to PSU for evening concert

10:00 PM ‘ish’ - Arrive at Neosho, unload, go home

When not performing you will (as a group) watch other bands. Dinner will be on your own at the mall. Fast food, or sit down. Bring money for that meal.

Dress: ***NEW***Everyone wear all black dress clothes. Black slacks, black dress shirts, black dresses, black blouses, black socks, black dress shoes

Equipment: Double check that you have your music, instrument, mouthpiece, reeds/accessories, etc.

Rhythm Section:

  • Bring Bass Amp and Chords

  • Bring drum set, cymbals, and hardware

  • They will provide a piano

  • Please bring an extra 1/4th inch chord or two.

Etiquette: Please be good ambassadors for the Neosho Band Program. Be humble, complimentary of others, and please… no phones out during performances or the clinic! Please DO cheer and clap for things you like in performances. Jazz is about community and having a good time.

Parent Check-Out: Parents must sign you out with Mr. Duffield, or Mr. Brown in person.


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