Busy New Year
Well we are 1 week back into the new year and it has been quite eventful. District Honor Band, Conference Band, JH Auditions, as well as the District Jazz Bands all got moved back a week. Pepcats start this next week along with some full band performances, and we had our first AMI day and snow. We have started working on concert band contest music as well as jazz band contest music. Solos & Ensembles are in full swing as well as the Winter Guard and Show Choir Band seasons about to begin. Plus these students have other classes and activities, and many work. Lots of fun. The calendar has been updated from the recent weather adjustments, but I wanted to put out some important dates over the next month or so to be aware of if you operate better looking at a list to mark off rather than a calendar:
Junior High Band
Tuesday January 14 - Monthly Band Booster Parent Meeting open to all band parents at the HS at 6pm
Friday January 17 - JH District Honor Band Auditions (Joplin HS) depart directly after school
Saturday January 25 - JH District Honor Band Clinic and Concert (Neosho HS) meet at the PAC by 8:30am if you are selected
Thursday February 6 - Mandatory Band Meeting for all incoming 25-26 Freshmen (CURRENT 8th Graders) 6pm in the HS band room
High School Band
Monday January 13th - Percussion Club after school till 5pm
Monday January 13th - Pepcats Game meet in the band room by 5pm
Tuesday January 14 - Monthly Band Booster Parent Meeting open to all band parents at the HS at 6pm
Friday January 17 - HS District Honor Band and Conference Band rehearsal (Joplin HS) depart directly after school
Saturday January 18 - HS District Honor Band and Conference Band Clinic and Concert (Joplin HS) report to the band room by 7:45am
Tuesday January 21 - FULL BAND PEP ASSEMBLY 10am
Tuesday January 21 - District Jazz Band Sectionals at Carl Junction High School 7pm
Friday January 24 - District Jazz Band Rehearsal at Neosho HS Choir Room 7pm
Saturday January 25 - District Jazz Band Clinic and Concert at Neosho HS report by 8:30am
Saturday January 25 - Winter Guard Showcase at Clever HS depart at 10:15am
Saturday January 25 - Show Choir contest at Please Hill
Monday January 27th - Percussion Club after school till 5pm
Friday January 31 - Pepcats Game meet in the band room by 5pm
Monday February 3 - Mandatory Band Meeting for all incoming 25-26 Seniors (CURRENT Juniors) 6pm in the HS band room
Tuesday February 4 - Mandatory Band Meeting for all incoming 25-26 Juniors (CURRENT Sophomores) 6pm in the HS band room
Wednesday February 5 - Mandatory Band Meeting for all incoming 25-26 Sophomores (CURRENT Freshmen) 6pm in the HS band room
Saturday February 8 - Winter Guard Contest at Blue Springs South HS
Saturday February 8 - Show Choir contest at Sedalia