The semester is almost over. It will again be a busy world in the band department.
Friday December 1 - Saturday December 2 - All-State Auditions - Students who qualified to audition for state will depart Friday afternoon and make their way to Columbia to audition at Hickman High School. Students will need money for dinner both nights as well as lunch on Saturday.
Saturday December 2 - Neosho Parade 5pm- The band room will open at 3pm for students to get into uniform and get their instrument. Then they will need to make their way down to the parade lineup by 4:30 to warmup & tune.
Saturday December 9th - Goodman Parade 6pm - Band room opens at 2:45. Students will load the mini-trailer, get into uniform and then get onto the bus to Goodman. If students intend to check out with a parent on Saturday then we MUST be notified via email, Facebook, or Parent Square tomorrow. We plan to depart immediately after the band's portion of the parade.
Sunday December 10th - Four State Symphonic Winds Concert 4:30pm - This is the ensemble that the band directors perform in. This is a free concert that will be held in the Carthage Auditorium. There is also a raffle to conduct the ensemble on Sleigh Ride.
Monday December 11th - Jazz Concert 6pm - All students should report by 5pm. This concert will feature the 3 jazz ensembles at the high school as well as the junior high jazz ensemble. The high school ensembles will wear 'cool gig clothes' (nice clothes that are solid color or light patterns that do not draw individual attention to themselves). JH Students will wear their band t-shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes.
Tuesday December 12th - Pepcats Basketball Band (Boys versus Monett) - Students should report by 5pm for rehearsal, then meal, then game. The pep shirts might not be ready yet so students are encouraged to participate with the student section dressing in holiday Grinch attire.
Thursday December 14th - Concert Bands Concert 6pm - JH Students arrive by 5:15 in your JH band shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. High School students should report by 5:30pm in their concert black and white (gentlemen - black dress slacks, black socks, black dress shoes, and a white collared shirt tucked in. ladies - black dress pants and a white blouse or a black skirt & white blouse, or black dress with dress shoes. Ideally dressy flats or 3" or smaller heel. Dresses and skirts should be knee length or longer when sitting or solid leggings underneath). Ernie Williamson Music will also have a step-up instrument booth setup in the atrium. The flyer is below.
Friday December 15th - Verdigris Jazz Festival - Stage Band will perform at 2pm and the Studio Band will perform at 5:30pm. Students should wear "Cool Gig" clothes that day. We will depart by 10:30am. Awards are directly after Studio Band. Students will also want money for food that day.
Finally, please take care of any outstanding band dues.