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JH District Honor Band Auditions

Junior High Bands - District Band Auditions 2020

With the end of the first semester coming to a close, the Neosho JH Bands are preparing for an upcoming audition for the Southwest Missouri District Honor Band.

This audition will be held on Friday, January 10th at Joplin High School. We will leave from Neosho Junior High at 3:30pm (after school) and will return at approximately 9:30pm.

Students that make the band will have an all-day rehearsal with a performance to conclude the day. The date of the District Band Performance is Saturday, January 18th at Webb City High School.



Symphonic Band students are expected to prepare the audition music. In the following weeks they will be playing the audition music for the directors and we will sign up students for the audition that we feel are well-prepared and ready for the audition. The students that we sign up for the audition will travel to Joplin. While not every Symphonic Band student may be selected to audition, we are expecting the students to work on it and prepare for the audition as it is a requirement of being in Symphonic Band.

Concert Band students that are auditioning are being given time during class to play for the directors. Director’s discretion will be used for which students will be signed up to travel to Joplin. These students are not required to audition, but many choose to in order to improve their musical ability and musical experiences.

We will have a final audition list decided by Friday, December 13. Please make sure your student is spending ample time at home working on the audition music to create the best opportunity for them to succeed!

Thank you,

Neosho Band Directors

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